VVAA "Against"


Formato: CD

13,00 €

CAUSTIC RECORDS presents "Against", an Electro - Industrial Summary with exclusive topics, re-mixes, unpublished songs by both nationally and internationally well-known bands from the Spanish scene, as well as by new talents. All the works have been conceived exclusively for this project in which the participating bands give form, by means of a text, to criticism or reflection on some of the topics that are now thrashing this unfair society, where democracy is used as a cover to commit an infinity of economic, social, political and cultural acts of sabotage. The power of large corporations, the differences between the first and the third worlds, the power of the media, minimal effort and authoritative globalisation... are just a few of the topics that inspire this compilation. AGAINST the tyranny of comfort that is allaying our consciences. Bands: CULTURE KULTÜR, TANNHAUSER, PAIL, ALLIED VISION, ASPHALT !, IBERIAN SPLEEN, RE/MOVE, GEISTFORM, PROYECTO MIRAGE & Pablo Giaretta, CIHZLAB, SIMBIOSIS, SARON GAS, CTRLer, IGNOREMOOSE, ANTENNA